Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ex-BMW engineer designing 'certified successor of cars'

It was only around 100 years ago now that what we think of as the modern car started revolutionizing the way we travel. What will transportation look like in another 100? One ex-BMW engineer is hard at work on a vision that seems completely nuts, yet he's totally serious about it. It would be nothing short of a revolution.

Said engineer is Peter Maskus, who has worked at BMW, Porsche and Ferrari and has now gone on to start his own company, the Swiss-based Acabion. If Maskus's grand design ever comes to fruition, then one day cars — like horse-drawn carriages today — won't even be allowed on the same elevated roadways as an Acabion.
So, what is this dream machine? Well, you can see the mock-up up above of Acabion's "da Vinci." It's small, ultra-fast and totally electric, with a potential top speed of 375 miles per hour (much faster than even the speediest maglev trains in the world today). It's this speed alone that will make it unsafe for something like today's automobiles to inhabit the same space as a zippier Acabion.

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